Search and Filter
The Search and Filter feature in Squarebox helps you quickly find specific customers and segment your audience based on criteria, ensuring efficient lead management and targeted engagement.
Last updated
The Search and Filter feature in Squarebox helps you quickly find specific customers and segment your audience based on criteria, ensuring efficient lead management and targeted engagement.
Last updated
Use the search bar at the top of the Customers section to quickly find customers by name, email, phone number, or other details.
Supports partial matches to simplify locating records.
Click on the Filters button to access a range of predefined filtering options.
Example filters include:
Lead Source: Filter by origin (e.g., Google Ads, Referrals).
Lead State: Segment customers by status (e.g., New, Valid - Not Responding)
Combine multiple conditions using AND/OR logic for precise segmentation.
Leads from Whatsapp Enquiry AND with a lead state "not Interested".